Who Is A Platonic Soulmate? Discover Top Signs Of A Platonic Soulmate

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They could be your companion, romantic partner, relative, or anyone else.

Imagine having a person with whom you can truly be yourself. This individual, who loves you unconditionally, is your unique platonic soulmate. In a platonic relationship, there is a profound bond of pure love, devoid of any romantic involvement. Your platonic soulmate is a master of understanding your emotions and sensing your innermost thoughts. They are not just a friend, but a person who understands you deeply, often without the need for words.

Your soulmate could be a friend, coworker, or distant relative. It doesn’t matter if they are the same gender as you or the opposite gender; what’s important is the intense emotional connection and affinity you feel towards each other.

For instance, a successful businesswoman, Maria, shared her experience of being completely in sync with her platonic soulmate, her childhood friend, John. She described how having a soulmate does not always involve romantic feelings, and it is crucial to remember that not everyone we care about is destined to be a romantic companion. Having a platonic soulmate is a natural and profound emotional connection.

She expressed how John is the love of her life and how she falls in love with him daily, as he makes her heart a better place. While they may not be in a romantic relationship, she is grateful to have someone so close and special to her. To understand this special bond more deeply, examining the idea of a platonic soulmate and the signals that suggest you have encountered one is essential. 

Can Platonic Soulmates Exist?

Discovering a deep connection with someone is a truly rare and precious occurrence. A platonic soulmate is not just a friend but a kindred spirit who can understand you without needing words. It feels like you have a pre-existing bond from the moment you meet. You immediately click with them, but there are no romantic or sexual emotions involved. Being around them brings a sense of ease and tranquility, a truly unique and special feeling.

Distinguishing Characteristics Of Platonic And Romantic Soulmates

Due to their profound bond, platonic soulmates are often mistaken for romantic soulmates. While they share similarities, they are distinct types of connections. A romantic soulmate is an individual with whom you have a strong romantic and sexual bond.

In contrast, a platonic soulmate is someone with whom you have a deep emotional connection but without any romantic or sexual interest. Understanding these differences is important to avoid confusion and appreciate the unique nature of each type of soulmate.  

1. Their Relationship Lacks Any Sexual Spark

Platonic soulmates share a deep bond and have a strong rapport. Unlike romantic soulmates, they do not feel any sexual desire for one another. Despite appearing to be a perfect pair, platonic soulmates do not participate in romantic or flirtatious actions. 

2. Lack Of Physical Touch

Romantic soulmates tend to engage in regular physical contact, a behavior not typically seen in platonic soulmates. While a platonic couple may occasionally give high fives and fist bumps, they rarely embrace or touch each other romantically. 

3. Reaffirmation Is Unnecessary

In a romantic relationship, showing love and affection to your partner by communicating your feelings and expressing how much they matter to you is essential. However, in a platonic relationship, such expressions of love are unnecessary. Demonstrations of love or sweet words are unnecessary to sustain the deep and powerful connection between soulmates. 

4. Disagreements Seldom Hurt The Bond Between Individuals

When platonic soulmates have disagreements, it can be a lengthy process, but inevitably, they will begin to long for each other and reconcile. In contrast, romantic soulmates typically resolve conflicts by one partner compromising and fulfilling the desires of the other. They are willing to adapt and make changes to maintain their strong bond. 

5. It Doesn’t Matter How Far Apart Things Are

Platonic soulmates can go extended periods without communication, yet when they reunite; it seems they are continuing a conversation they never finished. On the other hand, romantic soulmates may struggle with being apart and frequently feel the urge to maintain regular communication.

6. The Ability To Express Your True Self Without Fear Or Inhibition

With your platonic soulmate, you can be your unfiltered and authentic self since they will not criticize you. They understand your true nature and embrace you for all your imperfections. Revealing your vulnerabilities to a romantic soulmate can be challenging as you desire their favorable opinion of you. 

7. Absence Of Opportunity For Envy

A platonic soulmate is not controlling. You can maintain your friendship as you wish, and they will not experience jealousy. On the other hand, romantic soulmates may exhibit possessiveness and disapprove of you becoming too close to someone of the opposite gender.

8. Love Without Conditions

Platonic soulmates have a bond that is not easily disrupted. It can withstand physical separation, lack of confidence, or envy. This bond is enduring and is sustained by limitless love, enthusiasm, and loyalty. It’s a relationship that can weather any storm, providing security and hope.

What Are The Signs Of A Platonic Soulmate?

Finding a platonic soulmate can be challenging. However, if you sense a connection with someone and are curious whether they could be your soulmate, watch for these indications. For example, feeling an immediate bond with someone upon meeting them or feeling a sense of ease and tranquility in their presence could be signs that you have found a platonic soulmate.

1. They Establish An Immediate Bond With You

From the initial meeting, you will feel a strong sense of familiarity and connection with this individual, and they will feel the same way toward you. You interacted effortlessly and talked as if you had known each other previously

2. They Bring Joy And Happiness Into Your Life

Even if you are having a rough day, seeing this individual brings a sense of tranquility and relief. Their mere presence dispels any negative energy surrounding you. 

3. They inspire never-ending discussions

With your platonic soulmate, you never have to worry about what to say. Communication comes naturally and effortlessly. You eagerly anticipate conversations with them because you have a lot to discuss. It’s a relationship that allows you to be completely yourself, without fear of judgment or misunderstanding.

4. They feel at ease in quiet moments

You enjoy conversing with them but feel at ease in quiet moments. You do not feel pressure to keep the conversation going to avoid discomfort, and if you happen to run out of things to talk about occasionally, the silence does not seem awkward to you. 

5. They can understand your thoughts

When you find yourself in a dull conversation with someone, seek comfort in the presence of a kindred spirit who understands you without the need for words. They will offer support and companionship, knowing your emotions and being there for you. 

6. They anticipate how you will react

Before you can comment on an object in front of you, your soulmate intervenes with similar thoughts and expresses precisely what you will say. Your soulmate understands you so profoundly that they can predict your reactions and comments. 

7. They support you

Your soulmate will support you even when everyone else is against you. Your platonic soulmate may not fully understand the situation, but they will always have your back. They have faith in you and won’t let you down.

8. They inspire you to be the best version of yourself

You have noticed a positive transformation since this particular individual came into your life. Their presence boosts your self-assurance, leading to personal growth. 

9. They guarantee endless enjoyment

You may see them regularly, but when your eyes first lock, it makes you smile. You find yourself laughing with this person, and they laugh along with you. You understand their jokes and can’t resist laughing at their cheesy one-liners. 

10. Your code words will be obtained from them

You and your partner communicate using secret codes and laugh when you mention them. Many words make you and your partner laugh because only you understand the joke.

11. They share common hobbies

Your obsession with anime figurines is only understood by your soulmate, as they also have a collection of anime figures. Your mutual love for these figures strengthens your connection and allows you to engage in lengthy conversations about your interests.

12. They do not hide anything from you

You and your platonic soulmate engage in deep conversations about sensitive topics without discomfort. They cannot hide secrets from you long, even when the subject is delicate. As a result, you feel comfortable confiding in them and sharing your innermost thoughts.

13. They have a close connection with your family

The amount of time you spend together makes their family feel like your own. The close connection in kinship allows them to bond well with your parents and siblings, causing your family to favor them more than you. You both feel integrated into each other’s families.

14. They are accessible to you

You might feel exhausted and ready to go to bed immediately. However, if your soulmate asks for help, you will drop everything to be there for them. No matter what you’re occupied with, your platonic soulmate comes first. You can easily reach out to them with just a phone call. 

15. Their loyalty is unparalleled

Even if you have had a heated argument with your partner, if someone speaks negatively about you, they will not hesitate to defend you. Your partner will remain loyal and not speak ill of you.

16. They are genuine

The fear of being judged may lead you to present yourself differently around others. However, when you are with your soulmate, there is no need to pretend. You can ultimately be yourself authentically, and your soulmate will love you for who you are. There is no need to fake anything because your soulmate can easily understand you.

17. They serve as the foundation of your support

Your family or friends might not believe in you or your aspirations, but your soulmate will encourage and inspire you to work towards them. Nevertheless, they will not hesitate to provide a dose of reality when your ideas are unrealistic and foolish.

18. They help you become complete

In life, responsibilities and obligations can create a gap between you and your soulmate, leading to a longing for their companionship. Although you may communicate with them frequently, their actual presence is crucial, and you may feel incomplete without them.

19. They possess an innate ability to understand and share the feelings of others

Platonic soulmates have a deep understanding and connection with each other that comes naturally. They can empathize without needing to be told what the other person is experiencing, strengthening their relationship. 

20. They provide unquestioned approval

You do not have to worry about being judged by them and can show your authentic self. Your previous errors or behavior do not impact how they behave towards you since they fully embrace you. You can divulge your deepest secrets and desires as they provide a secure space to confide in.

21. Trust that cannot be broken is promised by them

You can rely on them in any situation and share your feelings. They will listen with empathy and never break your trust. When you are down, you turn to them for support; they will provide warmth and solace.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can you define platonic intimacy?
Platonic intimacy is a deep emotional bond between individuals that is not based on physical or romantic attraction.
2. Is it possible for me to have a platonic love for someone?
Absolutely. It is typical and widespread to have strong feelings for someone with whom you have a deep and undeniable bond. These feelings stay platonic as long as they do not develop into something sexual or romantic.
3. Can platonic soulmates get married?
No, Platonic refers to the lack of sexual or romantic emotions. When two individuals who are soulmates enter into marriage, they are considered romantic soulmates rather than platonic soulmates.
4. Can having a strictly friendly relationship be considered cheating?
Yes, one can establish a solid emotional bond with another individual, marry them, have kids, and maintain a separate platonic friendship with a soulmate. This special bond with your platonic soulmate is enduring and can last a lifetime. However, if you become emotionally reliant on this platonic soulmate instead of your spouse, it may be considered as a form of emotional infidelity.

We all desire someone who supports us and remains loyal to us. A platonic soulmate represents a unique bond. They participate in your adventures and provide aid in times of need. They are the reliable companion that everyone needs in their life. However, only a fortunate few can discover their platonic soulmate.

A platonic soulmate brings joy and optimism into your life. They act as a special ingredient that elevates the flavor of every experience. If you encounter such an individual, always cherish them, as they could be the ray of light you seek. 

Key Pointers of ‘Who is considered a Platonic Soulmate?’

  • Platonic soulmates are linked through intellectual connection and do not feel any physical attraction towards each other.
  • This bond is strong and enduring, lasting a lifetime.
  • They provide unwavering support and loyalty, never betraying you.
  • Platonic soulmates help you be your best self and enhance the beauty in your life.

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